We’ve been through a lot in the last year. From a global pandemic and racial tensions to political upheaval and now the world’s largest vaccination campaign in human history—we need mutual connection and understanding to heal ourselves from the collective trauma we’ve experienced and bridge the gaps that divide us.

Learning to really listen across the political, religious, and social differences that threaten to tear us apart is an act of love. Love for one another, and love for our broken, beaten, and battered selves.

We recorded the Wish You Knew Me: Listening Across our Political Differences webinar live in December of 2020, and the feedback we received was so positive that we wanted to make it available for YOU! Now is the time to come to the table and share our beliefs about everything from faith to vaccines—cultivating a willingness to listen, even when we don’t agree.

The World needs Couples Counseling!

We are one big family, united across the world by our common humanity. The issues—politics, race, religion—aren’t what pull us apart, instead it’s our inability to learn what shaped another’s views on these issues that is steadily fracturing this common bond we all share. What if we applied tried and true couples therapy tools to our difficult conversations on social justice, economics, and the like?  

Traci Ruble—Sidewalk Talk founder, couples psychotherapist, and listening enthusiast—is here to lead the world in a couples counseling session as we attempt to reconcile the differences that seek to divide us. Traci has worked with disconnected couples for over 16 years, and through it all she’s learned a thing or two about active listening and how to find common ground, even when it seems impossible.

This workshop is based on couples therapy techniques, including:

  1. Knowing yourself, what you stand for (your values), and what has shaped you.
  2. Knowing your loved one, what they stand for (their values), and what has shaped them.
  3. Learning to communicate from your centered self, rather than from your wounds, fears, or assumptions.
  4. Cultivating your ability to listen and empathize with yourself and your loved one.
  5. Practicing healthy ways to feel and express needs, longings, and anger.
  6. Fostering healthy ways to set boundaries, expectations, and limits.
  7. Crafting a shared vision for a healthy “we” that also supports a healthy “me” and puts that vision into practice.

Individuals will leave the webinar with a more well-rounded understanding of how other people’s beliefs and values color how they vote, where they choose to worship, and whether or not they take action on things like racial justice or getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

Participants will learn how to constructively and empathetically talk to others about their beliefs, gaining techniques to empower their conversations with centered listening and deeper understanding. But most of all, those part of the Wish You Knew Me workshop will walk out with a soup to nuts conversation guide that they can use to invite others into fun, structured, smart conversations that just might lead to greater connection, and in turn, help unite our divided world.

"My mother and I were having a lot of difficulties talking about politics and it was harming our relationship. We used the conversation guide and it really helped us learn new things about one another and have more respect and understanding for one another's views."
Laurie - Yoga Instructor
Traci Ruble
Founder, Sidewalk Talk - Veteran Couples Therapist, and Listening Enthusiast
In this training you will learn:
  • How to gain clarity on what you want your relationships to look like.
  • How to have positive conversations that seek to understand another person’s values, with zero motivation to change or judge them.
  • How to listen for the core values and beliefs that affect someone’s stance on an issue.
  • How to craft a vision for relating to someone in the future concerning their political, social, or religious beliefs.
  • How to make difficult conversations fun and enjoyable.